Monday, June 21, 2010

Thunderstorms and Rainbows

Last night four of us went to the Shakespeare Festival. I wore the Rainwashed Shale Dress, released by Anthropologie in Jan 09'. The metallic threads throughout the gunmetal colored dress made me feel glamorous with just a hint of toughness.

So, as the show was being introduced our speaker said there was a chance of rain, but that it would maybe last 15 minutes and the show would go on after a brief intermission to let the rain pass. I assume you all know this is taking place outdoors by now.

Of course, we were not prepared for rain showers but we did have a small umbrella back in the car, which I made my boyfriend go fetch for us before the show started (Thank Goodness).

We were maybe 10 minutes into the performance when raindrops started falling more frequently, the show came to a halt as the performers were called off stage. We were instructed to stay if we wished or could go to the box office to receive a rain-check.

We waited patiently as our wine became diluted by raindrops and the thunder rumbled over head. By now everything but my hair was soaked as the rain poured down so hard that volunteers started handing out garbage bags to audience members. After withstanding 20 minutes of a lovely, cool rain-bath the show was finally canceled!

We ran through puddles, and newly formed rivers, in the parking lot to our car. Did I mention we were one of the first arrivals to the festival, but we parked in the farthest spot from the entrance (we planned it that way, so we could be one of the first cars out of the cramped and crowded maze of parking spots). On the drive home we saw the biggest rainbow, the colors so vivid and brilliant.

It didn't occurred to me until I started to write this post that the name of the dress I wore is 'Rainwashed Shale'. Interesting....

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